Thursday, September 10, 2009


i feel damn lazy
well maybe its because of the never ever ending exams....ghosh!!
i have 2 more killer papers...chemi and phys
i just want to get over it asap!!

neways my misery aint going to end after the trials
it will only end after the 'REAL DEAL'
I am really keen in doing well in my spm
i need to do well
because i want satisfaction
i want to see how far i cn actually go
wats my level
i m as good as other says(family and frens)
well this actually spurrs me to do well

and i have no idea why i m crapping

maybe i m feeling a little crappy to000...

feeling guilty too
for spending the entire morning sleeping like a pig!!
talking bout that
i didnt study then so i got to go now
later bloggie...


Lee said...

Hello, not to worry, one day, some day you will look back and laugh when you are somebody with a BsC or a P.hd.

Lots of people would love to be in your place.
Just live your life with no excuses, love with no regrets.
Best regards, Lee.

Ramithaa said...

thank you