Friday, March 20, 2009


i feel so mad!
so pist!
so depressed!
so angry!
maybe its merely jealousy
why do i feel jealous?
with all that open remarks done publicly,
of course i will
but still why?
is it because i hav something towards u...
i hav given something so priceless to u...
maybe u dont realise it...
it felt like millions of thorns piercing through my soul
isn't it obvious that u hav taken something frm me
something that no one can
but u did
maybe u dont know u hav it
my beating 'dil'
it may seem so childish
i try to control all this emotions
but i cant hold it back anymore
its not the right thing
but i cant take it anymore
actually i don't even know why i fell for u
what u hav that made me all woot!on u
maybe ur imperfection,
smart thoughts
matured self,
hw i ever wish
if i was that warm
almost like a teddy bear....

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