Saturday, April 11, 2009

mental,emotion and nervous breakdown!

today,saturday the 11th,
was one the most screwed up day!actually i dont really use this 'type'of words to express myself verbally.
i was just having all the negative emotions mixed up in me.
mostly i was feeling depressed,iritated,frustrated,and freakingly annoyed.
well it doesnt seem that bad.but to me it was horrible cz i am the one going through it,
i am sure many have gone through this situation before or at least once in their lifetime...
well u see....lately i have been superbly,extremely,tremendously and titanicly stressed!

top 3 causes

3.all the jabbering and all the words that dont sound that hurtful.but after a while i realise hw i hav been discriminated!.i even had an emotional block because of this crap!.i was going through kinetic depression!so freaking iritating cz i am not like one point i thought all my hormones are going crazy and mixed up.

2.SPM!i hav so much to study and so little time.well yes SPM is THE POINT IN LIFE which decides the future...that is in malaysia... =_="
i am really powered up and geared in to do well and study.but lately i have no stamina to stay up late and study.maybe its sheerly laziness,or maybe its the weather.k i really should stop blaming other stuff for my own fault.i fear that if this goes on i wont be able to cover my syllbus!garhhhhh!!!!!

1.if u see me boiling or spilling out lava anywhere near school,its no buddies fault,but its due to the superbly 'hardworking teacher'.well my bm teacher which is one heck of a lazy pandi!she doesnt give us any work constantly.aite she does give us some work,but not constantly.well next week all students have to hand in their excercise book for all the subjects to be examined by the panitia.out of the blue she enters the class and drops a pile of hmwrk on our desks.well well let me list down all the work she has given.oh btw we hav to hand it in next week,which is like 2 days,that freaking sambal gave us yesterday ony.she tinks wat we r some sort of robot!

1.karangan surat rasmi tentang cuti cuti malaysia
''garllzz saya nak setiap isi lebih dari 100 perkataan yea''
k fine thats alrite.its understandable...

2.novel,4 soalan berdasarkan kedua novel yang dipelajari
the last time she gave us a novel latihan was bout beginning of febuary

3.tatabahasa pisahkan ayat dalam setiap perenggan
she hardly does this kind of crap!suddenly whoosh wat a wave!

4. 12 karangan bebas
k twelve essays.i think i shall nt sleep at all...she needs to visit the hospital near bels hse(tr)

doesnt this look like a list of homework for a month!
and that sambal expects us to do it in 2 days
and the best part is
venosha,'cikgu kena tulis tarikh ke'
sambal'tak tak jangan kita backdate nanti yea galzzz'

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