well as stated in my previous post,me and my family will be attending my aunts and grandpa's bday party cum family gathering.we left ipoh bout 5.30 pm and reached there bout 7.00pm.the whole event was held in western restaurant,called 'steak house'.it was a very nice and classy place.actually this whole event was held by my cousins whom are way....older than me.i saw my neices and nephews,renu,loshni,eswary,thivesh and yuvesh,all the little cuties,except for renu,she happens to be older than me.hahaha!neways the event started but 8pm,the food was good,but i couldnt eat as much as i wanted to,cz i was stuffed!hehehe....
later the had the cake cutting ceremony.the cake was designed in a diamond shape,one half ws 4 my aunt the other for my grandpa. after that,the dance floor was open,well my family is the dancing family,an event is always incomplete without the dance part.we had the bhangra too.woah it was fun!
the party ended bout 12am and we left to ipoh bout 12 something.i practically dozed off at the backseat.we also had a ghostly encounter.mum told me that when me and my bro were fast asleep,they saw a man wearing a white shirt and whitish-creamish pants with hair till the neck,and the freakish part was it was in the middle of no where as its a straight long road with only trees and jungle at the side plus there was no house in sight.my mum said she didnt see that thing with legs.... ooooohhhh,it was floting oooooohhh scary!i tell u thx god i was sleeping.
we reached back bout 1.45 am.. due to overdozing at the backseat i ended up having a horrible neck and back pain... i need the hot water bag treatment
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